The minions level system is configurable, you can create, delete or edit any of them.
To see Minion Upgrades config options go to level system
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # INFORMATION ABOUT IRON_ORE MINER MINION # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # # # # Settings: # # ▪ ChestColor = The color of the chestplate. # # ▪ LeggingsColor = The color of the chestplate. # # ▪ BootsColor = The color of the chestplate. # # ▪ Tool = The tool the minion is holding. # # ▪ Head = The head the minion is wearing. # # ▪ ActionTime = Time shown in seconds before each action is triggered between the minion. # # ▪ SlotsNumber = Number of slots available on the Minion, Max SlotsNumber = 15 # # # # HolographicMessages: # # ▪ The messages displayed with Holograms. # # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # # ▪ %LEVEL% = This will display the current level of the minion. # # ▪ %ROMAN_LEVEL% = This will display the current level of the subject in Roman numerals. # # ▪ %TIME% = This will display the current ActionTime of the minion. # # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # # [ Clothes Color List ] # # # # -----> WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, GRAY, CYAN, PINK, PURPLE, BROWN, YELLOW, BLUE <----- # # ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Material:IRON_OREType:MINERDisplayItem:Glow:falseDisplayName:'&eIRON_ORE MINER MINION %LEVEL%'Lore: - '' - '&6Description1' - '&6Description2 %LEVEL%' - '&6Description3 %TIME%'Levels:Level_1:ChestColor:WHITELeggingsColor:WHITEBootsColor:WHITETool:WOODEN_PICKAXE Head: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTczMDkyY2FlYTg5ZGQxMmQzNjgzNzVmMWEwOTc3OTZlM2JjODhmODA5YWNjZjMyMDcwNmJkYzA0OGNkNGM1ZSJ9fX0=
ActionTime:60SlotsNumber:5Upgrade:Money:Available:falseAmount:0Items:Available:trueCraftingId:'#'ItemList: - COBBLESTONE:32 - IRON_ORE:32 - minion#MINER#IRON_ORE#1Level_2:ChestColor:WHITELeggingsColor:WHITEBootsColor:WHITETool:WOODEN_PICKAXE Head: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTczMDkyY2FlYTg5ZGQxMmQzNjgzNzVmMWEwOTc3OTZlM2JjODhmODA5YWNjZjMyMDcwNmJkYzA0OGNkNGM1ZSJ9fX0=
ActionTime:50SlotsNumber:10Upgrade:Money:Available:falseAmount:0Items:Available:trueCraftingId:'#'ItemList: - COBBLESTONE:32 - IRON_ORE:32 - minion#MINER#IRON_ORE#1Level_3:ChestColor:WHITELeggingsColor:WHITEBootsColor:WHITETool:WOODEN_PICKAXE Head: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTczMDkyY2FlYTg5ZGQxMmQzNjgzNzVmMWEwOTc3OTZlM2JjODhmODA5YWNjZjMyMDcwNmJkYzA0OGNkNGM1ZSJ9fX0=
ActionTime:3SlotsNumber:15Upgrade:Money:Available:falseAmount:0Items:Available:trueCraftingId:'#'ItemList: - COBBLESTONE:32 - IRON_ORE:32 - minion#MINER#IRON_ORE#1HolographicMessages:- '&6Hologram1'- '&aHologram2'- '&bHologram3'- '&eHologram4'SmeltedMaterial:''
Copy a config file already created paste it and rename it to the material you want to make the new minion from.
Change the Material and Type of the minion.
Edit the DisplayItem to your liking, this item will be the one you will use as spawner to place your minion.
Edit the levels to your liking, you can add more levels by copying the previous one and changing the level to a higher number.
You can add as many holograms as you need, the minion will display them randomly.
Put the material inside the SmeltedMaterial variable, so that the minion collects the material when it has a Smelter Upgrade on.